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Researchers interested in finding out how their research could be translated into new products and services for patient benefit

For early career researchers and PhD students - from any faculty where their research could be applied to health, understanding how to access the NHS with a potentially new product, service, diagnostic (etc) is imperative. Working with technology transfer offices and understanding how other industries work to get through the door can be vital. This can also help future employment away from academia. Developing a business case and pitch, understanding IP and potential benefits is also increasingly important for grant funding #TransferableSkills #Employability #Impact #GrantFunding

  • How does your course differ from those offered by the Health Innovation Networks for example?
    This is a full journey and crash course through the innovation process. This course absolutely compliments the courses offered by the Health Innovation Networks, Health Tech Enterprise and other bodies involved with innovation in the health and social care space. However, there are few courses that completely immerse people into innovation the way The Health Innovation Expedition does. This isn't an online course and only works face-to-face. We can introduce you to the process of innovation and you can experience it. From problem identification through to pitching a solution. Other courses and schemes that are available are typically more in depth that we can offer. They are perfect for those who have been on The Health Innovation Expedition who have an interest in follow-on courses to learn even more. But stand alone courses often miss out 'what goes before' and 'what happens after'. For someone unfamiliar with innovation, suddenly launching into a detailed workshop on patenting can be off putting as well as confusing and out of context. We hope that by experiencing the innovation process and learning 'enough' to begin with, more detailed courses offered by different organisations will suddenly be far more valuable.
  • How much does it cost?
    Please get in touch with me to discuss. Because there are so many variables in terms of delivery schedule, this will impact the price. However I am completely transparent in pricing and happy to discuss.
  • What do we get?
    You get a real journey through the innovation process for your students / staff. You get copies of all of the materials (printed and electronic as pdfs) for use by the participants. I work with you in a collaborative manner to deliver the course so that it fits with your diaries and time tables. By working together and sourcing relevant soundbite speakers and dragons, we will reach the goal - which is to get your cohort to understand the innovation process in health, how they can get involved and feel empowered with new knowledge and tools to go out and make a difference. If you've not seen them, have a look at the Testimonials section!
  • Can you run the course in a different format from those you've given as examples?
    Very probably! Just get in touch to discuss how you'd like it delivered. Please bear in mind that innovation and product development is very much a contact sport and involves people working together in the same place for much of the time. The delivery is face-to-face as it just doesn't work remotely via zoom / teams (we have tried it). If the course is to be spread out over different days with a week between sessions, I'll have to travel to and fro and that adds to the cost. In any discussion, I will always be considering meeting the primary aim (which I will assume is shared by a hosting organisation) which is achieving the best experience and journey for your participants and their understanding.
  • What do you need?
    A large room with cabaret tables, A3 table-top flip charts (or similar), flip-chart pens, name badges (these are colour coded for teams), projector and screen, wifi for the delegates, areas where they can break out to for evening/other project work. I'll also need a list of the delegates a few days before the course starts with their name, subject area, level/degree, department and institution to create the teams. This is electronically destroyed (secure recycle) and any paper copies are shredded afterwards. Other aspects we discuss and I can advise on what has worked before. However it's very much your course and your format around the delivery sections and we work together to make it work! To ensure that traffic doesn't cause disruption, I also ask that I'm put up in a nearby hotel and if parking is problematic - a permit from the organisation.
  • What do you provide?
    I deliver the whole course - bar any soundbite speakers and keynote speakers - However I am happy to source industry experts or brief your own speakers should you wish to use internal expertise so they understand the level to speak at and where the participants have got to on their journey. I'll bring print outs of the handouts and exercises and the digital handbooks on a memory stick. I bring the course on a laptop. I'll also need sound though wifi is not necessary for me at least.
  • Can I speak to some of the organisations you've delivered for?
    Of course - I'll ask whether they are happy to speak to you about their experience of working with me and the course itself. Nobody has said no to doing this yet!
  • Do you have professional indemnity insurance?
    Yes. I have professional indemnity insurance for coaching, training and education which includes public and products liability, and crisis containment. My insurance is provided through Hiscox. I am happy to provide a copy of my insurance certificate upon request.
  • What happens if a team generates IP that could be protected? Who owns it?
    This is dependent on the host organisation and any IP agreements with other collaborating organisations as well as employment contracts / student status where applicable. In the past we have managed to arrange a special status for everyone (where a mix of students and staff) for the purpose of the course and any results from the team projects. Asking participants, external visitors and keynote speakers / dragons to sign a non-disclosure agreement is recommended should an external organisation show interest in developing the results of the team projects. I purposely avoid letting people bring their own research as a team project for that reason. If IP is generated during the process and the team involved wants to take the idea forward it is up to the host organisation to ensure that it has the necessary ownership agreements in place. I take no ownership stake in any of the ideas that are born out of my case studies. I provide guidance during the course but am not involved in what the teams create themselves.
  • Do you have terms and conditions?
    Yes of course - This is my job (or one of them) and I need to ensure that I can keep the course running. To see the terms and conditions please see here.
  • I'm interested! What next?
    Simply get in touch and we'll arrange a convenient time to meet. There we can discuss how it would work for you and start getting the planning process underway.

I've tried to answer everything in this brochure-website. But if you still have questions please feel free to get in touch. Please note that I'm sometimes away somewhere remote if I'm mountain guiding or teaching mountaineering skills - but I will get back to you as soon as I return to civilisation.

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Tel: 07968 207 779


22 Railway Terrace, York, North Yorkshire, YO24 4BN


DISCLAIMER: The materials in The Health Innovation Expedition are intended to assist early career researchers, front line NHS staff and undergraduates / recent graduates about to start work in the NHS or other allied health professions understand the innovation process with specific reference to the nuances of the NHS and Healthcare Sector. While we attempt to thoroughly address specific topics, it is not possible to include discussion of everything necessary to take a product or service from concept to regulatory approval, clinical testing and prototype development in a course of this nature. Thus, it is intended that this course provides an introduction to the different topics involved and places them in context. Every effort has been made to ensure accuracy, though we cannot be held responsible for errors in information that has been provided to us by third parties. Permissions have been sought to be able to use copyrighted materials and these are referenced. All content has been written by Dr Fabian Seymour remains the copyright of Dr Fabian Seymour. Clients are welcome to printed and electronic copies of the materials to distribute among personnel involved in the course (organisers, facilitators and participants) for their personal use only. All web links are periodically checked and updated but I cannot guarantee they will all be correct. I take no responsibility for the content on external site links.

Fabian has professional indemnity insurance provided by Hiscox Ltd. For more information about my policy please get in touch.

© 2023 Dr Fabian Seymour. All Rights Reserved

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