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Come on a real innovation journey...

Developing a new idea or innovation in health and care is like going on an expedition into the unknown. The more we prepare, the better our chances of success.

This is a unique workshop series that takes students, researchers and healthcare professionals on a real interactive & practical crash course journey through the innovation process in health and care

Maximise the chances of getting new innovations, research and inventions developed and used in clinical practice

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The Health Innovation Expedition is a unique crash course - taking participants on an interdisciplinary (and multi-institutional) journey through the innovation development process in health and care, and the NHS.

The Health Innovation Expedition Audience

Front line NHS staff and early career researchers who create new innovations are often completely unprepared for developing it, what the process entails, or even whether they have created something new.

Graduates who have just started work in the NHS often feel their ideas won't be listened to because of hierarchical structures in the NHS.


Micro Small Medium Enterprises (SMEs) wanting to introduce new products to the NHS can be set back without understanding the requirements, product fit, patient pathway or how to sell into the NHS.

Scientist on Computer
The Course

Developing a new product or service for the first time is very much like going on a journey. An expedition into the unknown.

The more prepared we can be as to what is likely to happen and the information that we need, the more chances we have of success.

Right from the start The Health Innovation Expedition uses case studies, crafted team projects as well as the experience of the tutor and peer-experience to look at how the innovation process works in Health - something no generic innovation or business module can do. There is no single academic model that works in developing new innovations in health.

How it works...

The course is extremely flexible and each organisation I have run it for has incorporated it into their own programme. 

The two days teaching can be delivered over two consecutive days, two separated days, or each of the four main sections (Prepare, Create, Test, Opportunity) extended to give four days teaching.

It is important for participants to hear about the organisational / local / regional support available in the future as potential innovators as well as have the Dragon's Den pitches.

In terms of format, it is completely up to you depending on time tables, staff availability and so on.

The multi-day format can be delivered in a block, or over a series of weeks (a day a week) with project 'homework' for teams in between. This is the best format for NHS staff who may not be able to get away for a whole chunk of a week. Day 1 (Prepare & Create) can be delivered as a stand alone course.

The Tutor

The course is the brain child of Dr Fabian Seymour who wrote it and delivers it.


  • BSc (Hons) in Biological Sciences (University of Sussex, 1995)

  • PhD in Microbiology and Molecular Genetics (University of Exeter, 2000)

  • Five years of post-doctoral research experience with publications in peer reviewed scientific journals (University of Nottingham & British Antarctic Survey, 1996-2006)


Following a successful career as a research scientist he pursued a career in university science-business development, specifically but not exclusively in the life-sciences and healthcare sectors (2006-2017). Over this period he worked with students, early career researchers, academics, University support services (enterprise, technology transfer and student/staff professional development), SMEs, regional support and development agencies from many different sectors and was involved first-hand in the development or project management of such interdisciplinary and collaborative initiatives.


Here are some of the students from the June 2018 cohort who have gone on to start careers in the NHS from Sheffield Hallam University talking about their experiences of the course.

In June and July 2023, we ran the course for the Allied Health Professionals Network in the East Midlands and Lincoln University researchers. This was a big event and has caused a huge positive stir in the East Midlands region. To see some of the feedback please click on the links below. These will open on the University of Lincoln website:


The Health Innovation Expedition is multi-faceted and introduces a range of outcomes mentioned above. The original aim for developing the course has been met - to introduce potential innovators to the innovation process, to understand how to complete disclosure forms appropriately, to facilitate better relationships with technology transfer staff and to be able to have the confidence and tools to be able to research a problem and develop a robust solution concept.

Other major aspects from the start was to develop better team communication and co-working among staff and students - breaking down silos. Understanding that research is not the realm of PhDs was also important to empower staff to undertake their own reviews and evaluations.

Additionally for organisations and institutions this course meets:

The Topol Review 

The NHS Long Term Plan

Teaching Excellence Framework

We have also delivered shorter, bespoke and stand-alone courses for St Andrews and York Universities and the Leeds Medtech Foundation.

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Tel: 07968 207 779


22 Railway Terrace, York, North Yorkshire, YO24 4BN


DISCLAIMER: The materials in The Health Innovation Expedition are intended to assist early career researchers, front line NHS staff and undergraduates / recent graduates about to start work in the NHS or other allied health professions understand the innovation process with specific reference to the nuances of the NHS and Healthcare Sector. While we attempt to thoroughly address specific topics, it is not possible to include discussion of everything necessary to take a product or service from concept to regulatory approval, clinical testing and prototype development in a course of this nature. Thus, it is intended that this course provides an introduction to the different topics involved and places them in context. Every effort has been made to ensure accuracy, though we cannot be held responsible for errors in information that has been provided to us by third parties. Permissions have been sought to be able to use copyrighted materials and these are referenced. All content has been written by Dr Fabian Seymour remains the copyright of Dr Fabian Seymour. Clients are welcome to printed and electronic copies of the materials to distribute among personnel involved in the course (organisers, facilitators and participants) for their personal use only. All web links are periodically checked and updated but I cannot guarantee they will all be correct. I take no responsibility for the content on external site links.

Fabian has professional indemnity insurance provided by Hiscox Ltd. For more information about my policy please get in touch.

© 2023 Dr Fabian Seymour. All Rights Reserved

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